#1 von
, 21.04.2011 12:17
Ich werde nicht müde, auf diesen „Abschiedssong“ für Knut aufmerksam zu machen – „Baby-Bär“:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ImnXSZumM Den gesamten Songtext findet man in Youtube („weitere anzeigen“ anklicken). Es gab aber schon früher einen tollen englischen Song für den kleinen Knut – „A Tribute to Knut“ (das Video selbst ist etwas bescheiden):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBRJE251FPI Damals hatte ich diese Melodie tagelang im Ohr (und auf den Lippen) - Teile des Textes habe ich in einem Webshots-Album zitiert. Knut am 03.03.2009:http://good-times.webshots.com/album/570362331SUDlnQ Der ganze Text (oder wie ich ihn akustisch verstanden habe): "Let's go to the Zoo in Berlin That's where the world-famous bear is living Do you know who I am talking about Well, he's the youngest star in town There's no doubt He wears a white snow suit that suits him really good He's crazy about good food just like a healthy bear should He likes to play and fool around Sometimes he's making funny sounds It's so much fun just watching him here in the Zoo of Berlin When he was born his mother pushed him away but then his foster father revived him to stay It was not for sure if he would really stay alive but a while ago he even made it on the cover of the New York Times - and it rhymes Now this is Knut, what do you say, ain't he cute? Salute to Knut, he really is the coolest dude The more I sing the more I get into the mood I'm in the mood for Knut so this is why I wrote a tribute to Knut - he's sooo cute!" Gibt es noch andere schöne Knut-Lieder? LeenaP
#2 von
, 21.04.2011 18:29
Dieser Song von Josh Groban ist für mich untrennbar mit Knut und TD verbunden Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an das zauberhafte Bilder-Video von Leaf - sepiafarbene Fotos hatte sie verwendet und dazu dieses Lied
Zitat "Awake" A beautiful and blinding morning The world outside begins to breathe See clouds arriving without warning I need you here to shelter me And I know that only time will tell us how To carry on without each other So keep me awake to memorize you Give me more time to feel this way We can't stay like this forever But I can have you next to me today If I could make these moments endless If I could stop the winds of change If we just keep our eyes wide open Then everything would stay the same And I know that only time will tell me how We'll carry on without each other So keep me awake for every moment Give us more time to be this way We can't stay like this forever But I can have you next to me today We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see We can't stay like this forever But I have you here today And I will remember Oh I will remember Remember all the love we shared today Und hier das Lied- es ist einfach immer noch unfaßbar .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsHx7kkM2jU Marga
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