Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#1 von Admins-Team , 19.07.2014 14:03

Am Mittwoch 16.7 besuchte @Patricia Roberts Zoo Planckendael bei Mechelen, Belgien, und machte davon ein spezielles Bericht das sie freundlicherweise an @BEA widmete, um sie ein herzliches Willkommen zuhause und weiterhin eine baldige Besserung zu wünschen.

Auf Wunsch von Patricia stellen wir ihr Bericht hier sehr gern ein!

Beiträge: 365
Registriert am: 23.01.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.07.2014 | Top

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#2 von Admins-Team , 19.07.2014 14:04

Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael – Dedicated to Bea to wish her a speedy recovery

Today [July 16th], I arranged to pay another visit to Planckendael together with my favourite neighbour. And let me tell you in advance: we had lovely weather and lots of sun.

The day started in a very funny way. Normally, I always buy our tickets in advance in the train station: for me, only a train ticket (because I have an annual ticket) and for E. the special ticket train-Planckendael. But since I am in vacation now, the first thing we had to do was buying our tickets.

When we were standing in front of the counter, I ordered what we needed. And then, it happened: the young girl asked in a very serious way whether the special ticket was for an adult?????? Well, E. and I looked at each other and I replied: well, almost!!! And he made a DEEP SIGH.

This time, we decided to focus on one species, namely the koalas (although we saw lots of other animals too of course). And therefore, herewith an overview of our activities.

It goes without saying that Kai-Mook and Co. were the first to visit. She and May-Tagu were still inside the stable, impatiently waiting to go outside. And once on the enclosure, the adults loved it to find their goodies in the secret places.

Another highlight was: finding Neela and her little sister and so, off we went to the camels. The adults finally shed off their Winter fur and they all are looking beautiful. Neela has grown a lot and the baby is gorgeous. But the thing that draws my attention was the father. His humps were looking very funny (hope you can see it on the pic).

The rhinos were enjoying their muddy bath (most probably to get rid of their wrinkles, I suppose). And if not, then at least to cool down a little because it became very hot in the sun. And very soon, humans and animals were searching for shadow.

The Watutsi beefs also have a newborn and were proud to show it. And the little male looks so sweet and is well protected by the cattle.

Maybe, you will remember that last time, I was really charmed about the new penguin enclosure and therefore we went there too. Some of the penguins were moulting and that made them look very funny (kind of a plumed hen). But some of them were really having a lot of swimming joy. While standing there in the full burning sun, I was a tad jealous that they could splash in the water and believe me, if the water would not have smelled soo fishie, I would have joined them.

We also tried to see the lions but more than a moving ear was not shown to the audience and O JA, the little otters do have babies, so they were not visible either (na ja, next time better, isn’t it).

But by then, we both became very hungry and went to the restaurant (overcrowded as usual). We decided to have Flemish carbonade with frietjes (and of course mayonnaise). And I swear by God that the next is true: when I was ordering our meals, the young man at the cash point asked me: a portion for adults????? And E. squeaked: they do it again and here tooo!!!! Well, I am not to blame, but I had a good laugh. However, I think that next time, I will order a children’s portion (WOW, the portion reminded me of Joe’s portions – in other words, way too big).

And then, finally, we went to the koalas. Last year in December a new one was born and is now leaving the pouch from time to time. Well, we were not lucky for that today, but we could see at least the little one’s head and little paw.

Guwara is very protecting towards her baby and even if the keepers come to close, she is forming kind of a shelter with her paws around the baby and then nobody can see a glimpse. And I was amazed that even Goonawara (the father) was pretty active today and it is for sure that he does not like it to be weighted. This time, mother and baby were not disturbed for that and could go on sleeping.

Little Nur-Nuru-Bin is just wonderful, curious and waiting for new adventures. As soon as the keepers entered their enclosures to change the eucalyptus, he was following all their movements and he does not mind to be put on the scale.

And then, the biggest surprise: Planckendael has organized kind of “an external enclosure” for the koalas where they can sit in a tree in the sun and officially, for the first time, it was Nur-Nuru-Bin who was brought there by his keeper (na ja, I must confess that I learned by somebody who is visiting them very often that it was actually for him the second time because they made a test of it already last Monday – I met this older couple last year).

And although one can see that he sometimes is not really feel secured, he is loving that place and young and curious enough to discover that spot. The keepers put a pot with eucalyptus in the tree and he immediately started to eat, even tried to taste the leaves of the tree, but it was clearly and definitely not “his cup of tea”.

Dear All, I have tried to make some little videos, but as you know, I am not an expert in that regard, especially the ending is weird, but from the bottom of my soul, I hope that you can see something.

The photo album with the videos (Klick!)

Patricia Roberts

Beiträge: 365
Registriert am: 23.01.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.07.2014 | Top

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#3 von Admins-Team , 19.07.2014 14:05

@Patricia Roberts - Beste Patricia,

Ik hoop dat we je leuke en interessante bericht zo goed hebben opgenomen in ons forum. Bea zal er beslist blij mee zijn, en zij niet alleen!

Ik ben zo vrij geweest dezelfde foto's erbij te zetten als die je bij KWM gebruikte. Mocht je daar bezwaar tegen hebben of mocht er iets anders zijn wat je niet in orde vindt, dan hoor ik dat graag via PM.

Ik was overigens zelf begin juli ook in Planckendael. Mijn bericht zet ik over een week of zo online - vooreerst staan de spotlights natuurlijk op jouw verslag!

Hartelijke groet

namens het admins-team,

Beiträge: 365
Registriert am: 23.01.2014

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#4 von Gitta ( gelöscht ) , 21.07.2014 08:13

Liebe Patricia

Mit diesem Beitrag wirst Du Bea mit Sicherheit eine große Freude bereiten. Ich habe ihr schon davon berichtet.
Ich habe noch nie lebende Koalas gesehen. Planckendael ist ja nicht so weit von Aachen entfernt. Da werde ich bestimmt einmal hinfahren.

Über Deine Portion Frites für Erwachsene habe ich auch sehr gelacht. Die Belgier sind nun mal die Könige der Fritten.



RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#5 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 21.07.2014 21:10

Liebe Patricia

vieln Dank für die schönen Fotos, besonders von den
hübschen Koalas.Sie würde ich auch gern mal berühren.

Lg von Cleo

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.07.2014 21:10 | Top

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#6 von GiselaH , 21.07.2014 22:53

Liebe Patricia,

ganz herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Bericht und die schönen Fotos.

Schade, dass ihr von den Löwen und den Otterbabies nicht viel gesehen habt.
Aber dafür hattet ihr ja einen wunderbare Zeit bei den Koalas.

Beiträge: 27.193
Registriert am: 10.02.2009

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#7 von Nordlandfan38 , 21.07.2014 23:04

Hallo Patricia!

Vielen Dank für die Vorstellung eines für mich neuen Zoos und für das Einstellen der wunderschönen Fotos und des interessanten Berichtes davon! Am meisten gefallen mir die süßen Pinguine - aber natürlich und sowieso auch die ebenso süßen Koalas. Von denen hätte ich auch sehr viele Bilder gemacht.


Beiträge: 5.749
Registriert am: 27.05.2009

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#8 von UrsulaL , 22.07.2014 00:34

Hallo Patricia,

vielen Dank für Deine schönen Fotos und den interessanten Bericht.
Mir haben auch die Koalas besonders gut gefallen.

Beiträge: 9.667
Registriert am: 20.06.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.07.2014 | Top

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#9 von Monika aus Berlin , 22.07.2014 23:22

Liebe Patricia,

Bea wird sich bestimmt sehr freuen, dass Du ihr den Bericht mit den schönen Bildern gewidmet hast. Da ist eine schnelle Genesung vorprogrammiert.
Vor allem die Fotos der Koalabären besonders schön.
Liebe Grüße nach Belgien.


Monika aus Berlin
Beiträge: 8.238
Registriert am: 07.07.2011

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#10 von ConnyHH , 27.07.2014 13:01

Hallo liebe @Patricia Roberts
Das ist aber eine ganz tolle Idee von Dir gewesen, diesen Zoobericht unserer lieben @BEA zu widmen und wir haben auch noch gleich etwas davon.
Ganz besonders habe ich mich über die Bilder von den putzigen und süßen Koalas gefreut. Es sind so tolle Tiere

Hab ganz lieben Dank, dass wir dabei sein durften.

Liebe Grüsse nach Belgien.


Die Erinnerung ist ein Fenster durch das ich Dich sehen kann, wann immer ich will.

Beiträge: 31.701
Registriert am: 04.02.2009

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#11 von BEA ( gelöscht ) , 27.07.2014 13:04

Dear Patricia

Thank you very, very much for the wonderful report from your visit in Planckendael.
I am overwhelmed that you dedicated the report to me.
I remeber how often we planned to go together to Planckendael, and in the end it was always a problem with our time.
But now I know, as soon as possible I have to go to Planckendael, because I want to see the little Koala, and of course finally Kai Mook

Many hugs to you and the gang



RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#12 von Patricia Roberts ( gelöscht ) , 27.07.2014 15:47

In case, my album is not accessible (Bea was having problems to open it), herewith the link:

Patricia Roberts

RE: Patrica Roberts: Koala Jo(e)y in Planckendael - dedicated to Bea

#13 von BEA ( gelöscht ) , 27.07.2014 16:32

Thank you, dear Patricia

Now the link works, and believe me, I enjoy every photo and video

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.07.2014 16:34 | Top


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