#1 von
, 12.09.2011 11:26
Die Erinnerung ist ein Fenster durch das ich Dich sehen kann, wann immer ich will.
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#2 von
AdsBot [Google]
, 12.09.2011 11:56
#3 von
, 12.09.2011 12:03
Da sieht man mal wieder, wie unglaublich schön und ästhetisch sich Eisbären in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung bewegen.Möge es noch lange so bleiben. LG Frauchen Miezehumpf
Der große Reichtum unseres Lebens sind die kleinen Sonnenstrahlen, die jeden Tag auf unseren Weg fallen !
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#4 von
, 12.09.2011 13:04
Was für ein schönes Video, ich kannte es noch nicht. Hier ein anderer Link, wo ich weitere Informationen und den gesamten Liedtext gefunden habe:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzkW4xKaiL8 Das schwedische Wort “björn” bedeutet übrigens “Bär”. __________ The Polar Bear Song is a catchy tune by science teacher Tom Rugg, which contains a gentle message about climate change. The Polar Bear Music Video forms part of the bbc wales green season of programming.Well I'm a polar bear and my name is Bjorn and I've been a polar bear since the day I was born. Welcome to my kingdom and the world that I roam the circumpolar arctic, the place that I call home. They call me Nanook and Ursus Maritimus two hundred thousand years of evolution helped design us. With small ears, a big coat and predators' jaws and a layer of fat just to keep us warm. Is it only me or do you, do you get the feeling? While we're watching the sun going down someone's turning up the central heating. Well I'm just a polar bear so what do I know about Milankovitch Cycles and CO2 just twelve-hundred pounds of hi tech fur with twelve inch paws and two inch claws. From Hudson Bay to Greenland, Russia to Alaska, Svalbard out to Baffin and round and back again. Just waiting on the coastline for the waves to freeze with seals to hunt and cubs to feed. Is it only me or do you, do you get the feeling? While we swim beneath the Northern Lights the ice pack is retreating. If only each word that was said was another fall of snow. If only each well intended thought was another. Well I'm a polar bear and my name is Bjorn And I've been a polar bear since the day I was born Welcome to my kingdom and the world that I roam the circumpolar arctic, the place that I call home. LeenaP
#5 von
, 12.09.2011 13:46
Ergänzung: In ConnyHHs Link ist am Ende eine Strophe, die in dem anderen Video fehlt - eigentlich die Kernaussage überhaupt:Who would have guessed even in a lifetime so much could be lost? Who would have known even in a lifetime polar bears could be gone? (Hoffentlich habe ich den Text richtig wiedergegeben bzw. herausgehört.) LeenaP
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